German minister warns of dangers of Islamic terror groups

Sonntag, 8. April 2001 / 09:18 Uhr

Hamburg - German Interior Minister Otto Schily is worried about the "enormous dangers" of Islamic terrorists, a report in the latest edition of Der Spiegel news magazine said.

An advance copy of the magazine, due on the newsstands on Monday, was made available to Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa on Saturday. Schily was quoted as saying said the government would do everything it could to clarify the structure of Islamic terror networks. A total of 13 people suspected of involvement with these networks are under arrest in Germany. Some are thought to have links with the internationally wanted terrorist Osama Bin Laden The German public prosecutor is seeking four more suspected members of these groups, the magazine said.

Legal proceedings have been entered against four North Africans living in Germany on suspicion of supporting a terrorist organisation, the report said.